Saturday, August 6, 2011

Well, here we go again...

I have attempted blogging many times.  Always with good intentions.  Always with bad (or no...) results.  I am just terrible at keeping up with it.  So, here we go again.  I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep up with it, as I really want to share my work with everyone.  I do a lot of things really, I love crafting in general, just like my Mom always has.  I also knit, sew, and I'm getting a spinning wheel very soon.

I am a huge fan of Pinterest and you can find me there by clicking here.  I think it is just about the greatest thing to happen to the internet since Ravelry.  And that folks, is saying a lot.

Some of my favorite pins...

Children's pants, with lining (diy)
Homemade Finger Paint
DIY Puffy Paint
Homemade Candy Cane Playdough
DIY Moon Sand
DIY Scratch Offs
Ornament Memory Book
And favorite pin to date...
DIY Chalkboard Paint!